

Web creator
Web analyst
Web marketer

I surf because... to challenge and experience the bliss.
I working to live and to surf.
I find web development to be a highly creative and exciting job, and achieving the goals of a website project brings even greater satisfaction.
 It demands not just technical skills and knowledge, but also a myriad of ideas and inspiration, which can arise from pursuits such as surfing, listening to music, or observing urban structures.
In particular, surfing allows me to become one with nature, riding the waves and experiencing a sense of achievement when conquering critical sections.
It provides a valuable time where I can be completely immersed in the moment.
Both web development and surfing are essential for concentration, self-liberation, and generating inspiration.

Steamer lane studio | © 2023
Miyazakicho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture 
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